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Doctor Leaves Sedated Patients Unattended for Tea Break at Camp

by Sana Gori
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Unattended Patients During Tubectomy Camp in Khat Village

Four patients at a government-aided tubectomy camp in Nagpur were left sedated and unattended for four hours after the surgeon administering anesthesia took an extended tea break. The incident occurred at the Khat village, raising concerns over patient care and safety during operations.

An Unplanned Tea Break Leaves Patients Unattended

The tubectomy camp organized in Khat village, situated 40 km away from Nagpur, was marred by an unsettling incident where four women, undergoing procedures in a makeshift operation theater, were sedated and left unattended for an extended period. The surgeon, Dr. Bhalavi, administered anesthesia and abruptly departed for a long tea break, leaving the patients in the operation theater without supervision. He later returned to the primary health center around 7 pm after receiving alerts from concerned villagers and being summoned by district officials.

Patient treatment
Team surgeon at work in the operating room.

Official Response and Planned Inquiry

Following the alarming incident, an inquiry team arrived at the PHC in Mouda tehsil to collect statements from the medical staff and the surgeon. Dr. Bhalavi claimed his departure was due to a hypoglycemic attack stemming from his diabetic condition, which compelled him to leave the operation theater and seek refreshment. The local residents reported that the surgeon exhibited discomfort and subsequently drove off to Nagpur, leaving the patients unattended. He eventually returned later in the night to complete the operations that had been interrupted by his absence.


Although the eight scheduled operations were reportedly successful, the details about the completion of the remaining surgeries remain unclear. Such camps are part of the routine family planning program conducted by the government health department.

Dr. Bhalavi cited a hypoglycemic attack related to his diabetic condition as the reason for his prolonged absence. Locals observed his discomfort, prompting him to drive to Nagpur before returning later in the evening to finish the surgeries.

Official Statements and Healthcare Protocols

The District Health Officer initiated a probe panel to investigate the incident thoroughly. This panel aims to examine the incident’s details, emphasizing patient safety and adherence to healthcare protocols. Officials have emphasized the challenges in immediately providing substitute surgeons and highlighted the importance of authorized tubectomy surgeons in such medical situations.

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