Home » China Successfully Shoots Down Nuclear-Capable ICBM in Latest ABM Test Using HQ-19 Missile

China Successfully Shoots Down Nuclear-Capable ICBM in Latest ABM Test Using HQ-19 Missile

by Ayushi Veda
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China successfully conducted its latest anti-ballistic missile (ABM) test by shooting down a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The test was carried out using a HQ-19 missile, which intercepted the ICBM in mid-flight. The successful test was announced by the Chinese military on Thursday.

The test was carried out amid growing tensions with the United States over Taiwan and other issues. The U.S. has expressed concern over China’s increasing military capabilities and has recently ramped up its own military presence in the region.

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China has been investing heavily in developing its missile defense systems, including the HQ-19 missile, which is capable of intercepting ICBMs. The missile has a range of up to 1,500 kilometers and can reach altitudes of up to 180 kilometers.

The successful test of the HQ-19 missile is a significant milestone for China’s missile defense program. It demonstrates China’s ability to defend itself against potential nuclear threats and enhances its strategic deterrence capabilities.

China’s military has emphasized that the test was defensive in nature and not aimed at any particular country. However, the timing of the test is likely to be seen as a message to the U.S. and other potential adversaries.

Also, the U.S. has not yet commented on the test, but it is likely to be a source of concern for the U.S. military. The U.S. has been developing its own missile defense systems, but they have been criticized for being too expensive and unreliable.

China’s successful test of the HQ-19 missile is likely to fuel the ongoing arms race between the two superpowers. Both countries are investing heavily in developing their military capabilities, including missile defense systems, and tensions between them are expected to continue to rise.

Further, the successful test also highlights China’s growing technological prowess, particularly in the field of missile defense. China’s military modernization program is a source of concern for the U.S. and its allies, who are worried about China’s growing influence and assertiveness in the region.

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