The new train, Vande Bharat, is being inaugurated on December 11. It is a semi-fast train that will run from Bilaspur (Chhatisgarh) to Nagpur (Maharashtra). Prime minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the train on Sunday, December 11. The train will run for about 6 days a week.
It is going to cover maximum distances in fewer hours. Vande Bharat’s new train will depart from Bilaspur at 6:45 am and will arrive at Nagpur junction at 12:15 pm. And in the same manner, the train will leave Nag[ur at 2 pm and will arrive in Bilaspur at 7:35 pm.
SECR (southern central railways) is going to operate the train. Also, the train will have a few stoppages at Raipur, Durg, and Gondia. The new train has some fantastic features like automatic doors, audio-visual passenger information, onboard hotspot WiFi for discarding boredom, and comfortable seats as well.
The Railways are planning to run 75 Vande Bharat trains by August next year. And the very first Vande Bharat Train was run in October this year. Hopefully, we will have more trains in the coming year.