Despite the boycott calls, the highly anticipated return of the Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has continued to generate substantial revenue across global box offices. Pathaan, which shattered nearly all previous Bollywood records, has accomplished another remarkable feat by becoming one of the rare Hindi movies to exceed ₹1,000 crores in worldwide box office earnings. The extraordinary success of Pathaan remains unaffected by the new releases this week, including Shehzada featuring Kartik Aaryan and the Marvel blockbuster, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
This movie has now secured the top spot as Shahrukh Khan’s highest-grossing movie of all time and the most financially prosperous production for YRF Studios. Several years back, Bollywood, had a different scenario regarding box office collections. Even earning 100 crores at the box office was deemed a big milestone for any movie. At that moment, only a handful of movies could achieve this mark, and it was an infrequent occurrence. The 100 crore club was truly a big thing.
The benchmark for box office success was lower and there were not many movies that could reach the 100 crore mark. Bollywood films had limited international releases, and the scope of earning revenue beyond the domestic market was also limited. Additionally, the competition was not as fierce as it is now, and the number of screens was much lesser than the current times.
However, in recent years, the Indian film industry has undergone a significant transformation. The emergence of multiplexes and the digital revolution have expanded the reach and scope of Bollywood films. The Indian film industry has now become a global player, with films being released in several international markets simultaneously. The movies are not only earning money but also gaining acclaim for their different approach to filmmaking. Today, Indian movies are winning acclaim across the world and are gaining fans from across the world.