Home » Senior Dietician Advises Prioritizing Fiber After 16-Hour Intermittent Fasting

Senior Dietician Advises Prioritizing Fiber After 16-Hour Intermittent Fasting

by Ayushi Veda
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In the realm of intermittent fasting, the choice of what to consume when breaking the fast plays a crucial role in kickstarting the day on a healthy note. According to Payal Sharma, a senior dietician at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, prioritizing fiber intake during the initial meal after a 16-hour fasting window offers numerous health benefits.

Sharma emphasizes the importance of incorporating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and seeds into the first meal post-intermittent fasting. This strategic approach aims to boost fiber consumption, harnessing its diverse advantages for overall well-being.

The 16-Hour Fasting Window

Intermittent fasting typically involves a fasting window of 16 hours, during which individuals abstain from consuming calories. The subsequent feeding window becomes a critical period to replenish the body with essential nutrients and set the tone for a day of balanced nutrition.

Fiber-Rich Breakfast Choices:

Choosing a breakfast rich in fiber contributes to improved digestive health, enhanced satiety, and better weight management. Whole grains such as oats or quinoa, fruits like berries or apples, vegetables, and seeds like chia or flaxseeds are excellent sources of dietary fiber.

Digestive Health Boost:

Fiber plays a pivotal role in promoting a healthy digestive system. It aids in maintaining regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and fostering a balanced gut microbiome. Starting the day with fiber-rich foods sets the foundation for optimal digestive function.

Sustained Energy Release:

Fiber-rich meals facilitate a gradual release of energy, promoting sustained vitality throughout the day. Unlike refined carbohydrates that may cause energy spikes and crashes, fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels, ensuring a more stable and consistent energy supply.

Weight Management and Satiety:

Including fiber in the first meal after intermittent fasting contributes to a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating later in the day. This satiating effect supports weight management goals by promoting mindful eating and portion control.

Payal Sharma’s dietary recommendation highlights the significance of prioritizing fiber intake when breaking the fast after 16 hours of intermittent fasting. By incorporating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and seeds into the initial meal, individuals can harness the manifold benefits of fiber for digestive health, sustained energy release, and effective weight management. As intermittent fasting continues to gain popularity, strategic nutritional choices during the feeding window emerge as key factors in optimizing health outcomes.

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