Home » Delhi Experiences Coldest Day Of This Year

Delhi Experiences Coldest Day Of This Year

by Nidhi
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The winter season has been playing a game of hide and seek with us for quite some time now. With each passing day, the temperature has been dropping and the chill of winter keeps getting more and more intense. Today was an extreme day, as the temperature reached a record low in Delhi and the adjoining areas, dropping to a whopping 1.4 degrees Celsius – the lowest so far this season. The extreme cold wave has hit India and people in Delhi woke up to an unexpectedly chilly morning. Tomorrow’s temperature could even drop to the extreme mark of 1 degree, which may be too much to even move out of the house.

Such extreme winter conditions can be felt across the states of, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and the capital of the country, Delhi. The low temperature of 1.4 degrees Celsius in Delhi today is the lowest the Temperature has been recorded since 2021.

This extreme winter weather is a rarity in the city and calls for extra care and precaution to stay warm. People must wear plenty of layers of clothing to prevent themselves from getting an extreme chill and must also cover their heads to keep out the cold. Increasing warmth and adding insulation in the home can also help people to lower the winter chill and make the environment more liveable.

Staying indoors and covering oneself with warm blankets is highly recommended. Given the extreme and chilly winter conditions that we are likely to see in the coming days, it is important to take all precautions to avoid catching a cold or other winter-related illness. This includes staying hydrated and eating warm, balanced meals.

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