Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are one of the favorite B-town couples. And their gestures are just so adorable. Recently Ranbir Kapoor came to Mumbai and his wife Alia came to receive him. There is a video that got viral in which Alia is seen pampering Ranbir in a car. Ranbir is walking towards the car, where Alia was already inside.
Alia Bhatt is wearing a pink colored dress, and Ranbir was in a red checkered shirt. After sitting in the car, Alia touches his face, and they talk in the backseat of the car. Their gestures are very sweet.
Ranbir was in Delhi for the promotion of his new film “Tu Jhoothi Mai Makkaar.” One more such gesture of Ranbir got viral when Ranbir wished happy valentine’s day to his wife Alia and daughter Raha.