Recently Virat Kohli, the former Caption of the Indian cricket team, hit his 72nd century and, his wife Anushka praises him. He was playing in a 3rd ODI match against Bangladesh where the caption Kohli hit his 72nd century. We have all seen how Anushka is always there to celebrate Virat’s victory. Be it small or big. No matter if Virat loses a match or does not perform well, Anushka never misses a chance to keep her husband motivated.
Now as he hits his 72nd century, Anushka took her Instagram and posted 7 pictures of them. She individually captioned each picture in the post. Anushka also put a story on Instagram denoting his century with 100 and heart emojis. Her praising gestures for Virat are indeed so adorable. Virat and Anushka married each other in the year 2017 in Itlay. They also have a daughter now Vamika.
Anushka Sharma will next be seen in Chakda Xpress. She is currently shooting for her new project. Its shooting is going on in Kolkata and UK.